I express my happiness on the occasion of the First Anniversary celebration of GVPS. The school has completed its First Year and has stepped into the Second Year with great hope and aspiration. GVPS confidently avers that ‘Success is a journey, not destination.
Let me appreciate the teachers for the yeomen service rendered by them for the success achieved by students in various fields. An ideal teacher has to put in round the clock efforts to mould and guide the towards quality education to compete with the advanced nations.
I wish the Patron’s Ms. Yesmin Rahman, staff & students all the best for a better future and great success in all academic affairs. In the service of God.

“To make young minds academically successful with Character Building and by imparting better Education through Technology.” I am extremely delighted towards the keen interests in bringing out ‘EXCELLENCE’. GVPS believes that the 21st century, as a part of the information age that would be the Century of the Mind. It is essential that one learns for the leverage information technology and cross the digital divide. Information technology would play a significant role to catapult students to this era.
Students access to technology would bring in new heights of success and to set tangible results as well as the environmental awareness using a clear and comprehensive system of standards that reveal both depth and quality of learning. The entire team of parents, teachers, staff and students comprising GVPS community, from inception deserve all appreciation for placing the institution of this high global pedestal.